grabeh.... tungod sa trabaho..
FIRST EVER REGIONAL YOUTH CONFERENCE ['09]... nga libre ko tanan...
prepared na kayo, libre na og registration, pati t-shirt sponsored, pati ang pamasahe or sakyanan libre na! The best na kayo nga conference nga akong maapilan unta, FIRST TIME libre ko tanan.
pero wala man diay...
ahahaha, sad siya. pero wala jud koy pagmahay sa mga nahitabo, sayangan lang ko kay wala ko kaspend og time wid my frends. pwede man jod makabalik2 og surigao, duol raman nah, pero dili jod mabalik2 ang nga events nga maspend wid ur friends. sayang lang.
Diri jud nako narealize nganu ang mga trabahante kay murag frustrated or sad or dili mahimotang or dili na kabalo mo-smile, cguro because wala na sila ka spend og time wid there friends or kung makaspend man kay dapat mag appointment sah.
uhmmm, sana mentras wala pa ta nag trabaho, let's spend our time with those people na gi-cherish og gi-treasure jud nato. Kay kung makatrabaho nata! wala nay time. busy na. daghan natag butang nga hunahunaon. pwera nalang kong wala kay plano mag trabaho... awh
Monday, October 26, 2009
Friday, October 16, 2009
Galactica Wars 1
Mek: The Cyborg Hero
story by Matt Amper
Copyright 2009
Once there was a land where man became mechanic. Human DNA's been fused with robotic nano - technologies. Enhancement to human capabilities and more is waiting to be discovered...
In the year 3059: Year of the Machines. The mechanical clan rage against inequality, abuse, maltreatment and slavery to the human race. In order to gain their freedom from the hands of the cruel mankind, they've schemed to escape from earth and go to Galactica where they can live a free life. Unfortunately, the most forbidden law of earth was broken by a mechanic-robot and a woman that brought new species called cyborg, half man - half mechanic-robot.
An order from the government was issued to find locate the new species or the cyborgs. The order, search and destroy.
The first born of cyborg was named Mek, son of Frederick (A6500.50ZX) and Elizabeth Taylor. Mek became the leader of the new clan and fulfilled his parents plan to escape the earth and build a new world that is now known as Galactica. 20 years passed as the cyborgs celebrated their independence and slavery to the human race. Then one day when a signal ht the dopler radars and sensitive sensors of the planet. one soldier reported the incident to Commander Vadmoore, commander of Galactica Armed force.
"Sir, a signal, from a very common frequency rate. Could it be?"
"What? Where?"
"Right there Sir, now exiting the milky way galaxy. That's 3,000,000,000 light years away. The frequencies are highly identical to the data that we have have sir. Sir? I think they're human."
"No! It can be! They can"t locate us! I want photographs of this objects. And I want them now!"
And their they've found it! humans are advancing towards them with the same mission, to search the cyborgs and destroy them. They are about 300,00 thousand airships carrying 60 billion soldiers in it, ready to kill every cyborg they could see. The cyborg race is outnumbered by nearly half of all of them. But they will never submit and will never let the humans to ruin the freedom, peace and development that they have established in Galactica. The news spread across Galactica and even reached Central City where Mek and his family live. Mek couldn't believe the rumors, so he went to Commander Vamoore and verified the rumors.
"We can't let them destroy our 20 years of hardwork and ruin the life that we have here in Galactica. Commander! Order full operations Alert. Code X."
Code X. A code that says everyone must fight to protect Galactica. Every cyborg obeyed with no question and doubt for they know that Code X can only be given when there is greater need of armed force. Young cyborgs where given the task of putting up the cannons in place and calculating the range of blast from the atmosphere to the grounds. Older cyborgs went to base for the speech by their Leader/King Mek.
"The time that we long feared and thought that would never occur has come. Humans has found our planet. They're now 3,000,000 light years away, with 300, thousand ships and 60 Billion soldiers armed with the weapons and technologies that our forefathers have created. Let's not let them, take away the freedom that we cared for 20 years. Let's all be prepared. The humans are scheduled to reach the Galactica tomorrow. I can't ensure you that we will survive the attack, for we are outnumbered by nearly half, but I can assure you that we will win! for we are cyborgs of flech and machine, half earth and fully Galactica!"
After the speech the cyborgs began to install weapons to their bodies. Mobile suites are mobilized. Airships are changed and armors are upgraded. They don't have much time. The humans are nearly coming. the cyborgs are prepared, ready to protect the planet that they love.
"They are here..."
A very strong beam of light illuminated from the skies of Galactica. No cyborg were harmed. And a big roaring explosion occurred and created a vast crater. Mek ordered everyone to charge the war has began. lights of flashing laser guns passed through the faces of the soldiers, the sound of explosion makes it impossible to hear. Mechanical robotic suits crashed every human body it hit. Humans came to biological weapons that melts cyborgs' titanium bones. many died, the war lasted for several years, cyborgs flee to another planet, humans inhabited Galactica. Earth was a dead planet planet then. The war was not yet over. Humans are still searching for the cyborgs. they fear that the cyborgs may get stronger and may came to a point where they would seek revenge against the human race. Mek died in the war, the cyborgs named their new planet, Mek, in honor of their king, hero and friend Mek. The son of mek, Maldivon, became the new leader of the cyborgs and became the king of planet Mek. Maldivon married his mom Queen Ferga and never had a child. her mom died of in old age. aging 600 years old. Maldivon married again to Commander Vadmoore's daughter Lisa. And had 3 kids; Molvort, Vadmond and Sophia.
Once when Maldivon was writing a blueprint for planet Mek's defense and city frame stuctures, Vadmond asked him,
"Father, why do humans kill us?"
"I don't know son, all I know is that your grandpa died because of them"
"Is the war over father?"
"No son, it has only began"
story by Matt Amper
Copyright 2009
Once there was a land where man became mechanic. Human DNA's been fused with robotic nano - technologies. Enhancement to human capabilities and more is waiting to be discovered...
In the year 3059: Year of the Machines. The mechanical clan rage against inequality, abuse, maltreatment and slavery to the human race. In order to gain their freedom from the hands of the cruel mankind, they've schemed to escape from earth and go to Galactica where they can live a free life. Unfortunately, the most forbidden law of earth was broken by a mechanic-robot and a woman that brought new species called cyborg, half man - half mechanic-robot.
An order from the government was issued to find locate the new species or the cyborgs. The order, search and destroy.
The first born of cyborg was named Mek, son of Frederick (A6500.50ZX) and Elizabeth Taylor. Mek became the leader of the new clan and fulfilled his parents plan to escape the earth and build a new world that is now known as Galactica. 20 years passed as the cyborgs celebrated their independence and slavery to the human race. Then one day when a signal ht the dopler radars and sensitive sensors of the planet. one soldier reported the incident to Commander Vadmoore, commander of Galactica Armed force.
"Sir, a signal, from a very common frequency rate. Could it be?"
"What? Where?"
"Right there Sir, now exiting the milky way galaxy. That's 3,000,000,000 light years away. The frequencies are highly identical to the data that we have have sir. Sir? I think they're human."
"No! It can be! They can"t locate us! I want photographs of this objects. And I want them now!"
And their they've found it! humans are advancing towards them with the same mission, to search the cyborgs and destroy them. They are about 300,00 thousand airships carrying 60 billion soldiers in it, ready to kill every cyborg they could see. The cyborg race is outnumbered by nearly half of all of them. But they will never submit and will never let the humans to ruin the freedom, peace and development that they have established in Galactica. The news spread across Galactica and even reached Central City where Mek and his family live. Mek couldn't believe the rumors, so he went to Commander Vamoore and verified the rumors.
"We can't let them destroy our 20 years of hardwork and ruin the life that we have here in Galactica. Commander! Order full operations Alert. Code X."
Code X. A code that says everyone must fight to protect Galactica. Every cyborg obeyed with no question and doubt for they know that Code X can only be given when there is greater need of armed force. Young cyborgs where given the task of putting up the cannons in place and calculating the range of blast from the atmosphere to the grounds. Older cyborgs went to base for the speech by their Leader/King Mek.
"The time that we long feared and thought that would never occur has come. Humans has found our planet. They're now 3,000,000 light years away, with 300, thousand ships and 60 Billion soldiers armed with the weapons and technologies that our forefathers have created. Let's not let them, take away the freedom that we cared for 20 years. Let's all be prepared. The humans are scheduled to reach the Galactica tomorrow. I can't ensure you that we will survive the attack, for we are outnumbered by nearly half, but I can assure you that we will win! for we are cyborgs of flech and machine, half earth and fully Galactica!"
After the speech the cyborgs began to install weapons to their bodies. Mobile suites are mobilized. Airships are changed and armors are upgraded. They don't have much time. The humans are nearly coming. the cyborgs are prepared, ready to protect the planet that they love.
"They are here..."
A very strong beam of light illuminated from the skies of Galactica. No cyborg were harmed. And a big roaring explosion occurred and created a vast crater. Mek ordered everyone to charge the war has began. lights of flashing laser guns passed through the faces of the soldiers, the sound of explosion makes it impossible to hear. Mechanical robotic suits crashed every human body it hit. Humans came to biological weapons that melts cyborgs' titanium bones. many died, the war lasted for several years, cyborgs flee to another planet, humans inhabited Galactica. Earth was a dead planet planet then. The war was not yet over. Humans are still searching for the cyborgs. they fear that the cyborgs may get stronger and may came to a point where they would seek revenge against the human race. Mek died in the war, the cyborgs named their new planet, Mek, in honor of their king, hero and friend Mek. The son of mek, Maldivon, became the new leader of the cyborgs and became the king of planet Mek. Maldivon married his mom Queen Ferga and never had a child. her mom died of in old age. aging 600 years old. Maldivon married again to Commander Vadmoore's daughter Lisa. And had 3 kids; Molvort, Vadmond and Sophia.
Once when Maldivon was writing a blueprint for planet Mek's defense and city frame stuctures, Vadmond asked him,
"Father, why do humans kill us?"
"I don't know son, all I know is that your grandpa died because of them"
"Is the war over father?"
"No son, it has only began"
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Lucky 5: Test of Faith

Sorry if I would have to write this post in english I really want to share to you this amazing event where I can say that God has moved in my life or some may say it as coincidental. But whatever they say I believe it's God.
I am a member of a now International Organization Youth for Christ (serving as a sector kids facilitator), a family ministry under the Couples for Christ, which started here in the Philippines.
These past few weeks I've been praying and asking the Lord about the help that I need, for the registration of an upcoming activity here in our province which is the Regional Youth Conference (RYC). I was asking God the exact amount that I need and every night and moment I am very doubtful that I could really attend the RYC. But still I am not giving up on God, still, I asked the Lord to provide me the amount that I need to join the RYC. I even said, "Lord Give me a sign" so as I can feel that He is Listening to me. But then signs never came or maybe it came, but I was just to blinded of the pressure of the nearly coming deadline of the registration, knowing that the deadline of registration has already been extended for the sake of those people like me who are waiting for the graces of God to come. Days past and hours and hours of doubtful moments came to me, asking myself why? would God, not let me attend the RYC? Why is God not answering my prayers? and Why is God not giving me a sign? those question made me think that I am not one of the chosen few. Called, answered, but not chosen. I was so burdened to the idea that I will be left alone, while my friends enjoy the gifts of the Lord, already been prepared for them on the RYC. But still I am not giving up in my prayers, I still prayed. I even came to a point where I told God,"Lord? where is my sign?". But still nothing came. Again I received the message saying that the deadline, the last deadline of the extended deadline, will be on friday, october 16, 2009. I told myself, "Wow, I've received this message for about 5 times already". It's like 3days left and I still haven't got the help that I need, my friends and leaders in YFC even told me to ask for help to my coordinators but I am too shy to ask for help. Because I know that the coordinators are also burdened with problems in their families and personal life. Some even told me that it's pride not to ask for help. well, I don't really know if it is pride or not, for I know, I just don't want to burden them with this very little problem that I have. On this very day October 14, 2009, we had a meeting for another activity that will be held next month. I mentioned that I am serving as a sector kids facilitator, the activity that will be happening next month is the Provincial Kids Village(PKV), a provincial wide activity for all the Kids for Christ members, these are the children who are sons and daughters of the CFC members. Well, I never thought that I could attend the meeting, for I don't have the fare to go to the place where we'll meet. But fortunately! I spared 5 pesos for my fare going to the place. Without having any second thought of how am I going to ride back home without another extra money or 5 pesos, I immediately went to the meeting place. But my partner-in-service asked me to pick her up or meet her, so as she can have someone to go with towards the meeting place, so she can be safe. So I went to the place. Luckily and unknowingly I've met two of my close friends who undoubtedly gave me 5 pesos for fare, walang labis walang kulang.
After that we went to the meeting, we talked about the activity and talked about everything that we need, to ensure the safety of the participants. well, the meeting ended. I never really thought what happened next. My partner-in-service was called by our coordinators, telling her about the RYC, telling her that they are willing to support her in fare or anything they could. Lovingly, my partner said these words, translated in English, "Tita, I've already paid for my registration and my mom can somehow handle the financial needs that the RYC requires. Just give it to Matt. He really wants to join the RYC but he hasn't registered yet..." without any ado our coordinator handed me the "money", and she said "we are sponsoring your RYC reg." In shock! the only words that came out of my mouth was "Yehey" and "thank you" and i still have 100 pesos extra, I think I'll just keep it for the fare, right now I am just happy to already pay the registration of 400 pesos. I was grateful to God for giving them the blessings and telling them to share it to other people. I really am humbled. I really am so blessed. See? in God's time everything is alright. God is an awesome God.
this is my test of faith. I should have never written this, but I really feel the urge to tell you.
"Kay Kristo Ako!"

OMG! this is not true? I am blogging in English? with my own knowledge and expertise? No! this is not true... "YEAH RIGHT!"
a breaking news! SPONGEBOB is dead..

I can't believe this!:P
para sa tanang bisaya!! og sa tanan nga tao nga fan kayo ni spongebob! apil nako!
for all bisaya, and for all people who were an avid fan of spongebob! inlcuding me!
more power to all of us! and to the show! Spongebob Squarepants!!
a breaking news! SPONGEBOB is dead..

I can't believe this!:P
para sa tanang bisaya!! og sa tanan nga tao nga fan kayo ni spongebob! apil nako!
for all bisaya, and for all people who were an avid fan of spongebob! inlcuding me!
more power to all of us! and to the show! Spongebob Squarepants!!
KFC - PKV '09 Misamis Oriental Gag Script
Mao kini ang akong gisulat nga script para sa Kids For Christ - Provincial Kids Village diri sa Dakbayan sa Cagayan de Oro. Hinaot unta nga dili ninyu kawaton thanks! ehehe
Theme: “Kids on a Mission”
Gag Script: Sector A
Narrator: Isang Araw (music)
(jun2x nagaaktong makulit at ginagawa ang lahat ng gusto niya)
Jun2x: Waah! Mamaaaaah! Asan na po yung?? Choko yey! (w/ back up singers)
Mama: Anak eto nalang muna, kasi dito ako, panatag.
Jun2x: Mama naman eh, alam niyo namang ayaw na ayaw ko niyan, mas gusto yung, Choco yey!
Mama: Hay! (bunting Hininga) sige na nga.. Oh eto, ang paborito mong choco yey!
Jun2x: Wow!
Narrator: Kinabukasan (music)
Gumising na si Jun2x para sa skul.
Jun2x: Ma! Asan na yung?
Bolpen ko? Notebook ko? Baon ko? Asan na? maaaa???
Narrator: Nalito na ang nanay ni Jun2x kung ano ang uunahin niya sa lahat pinapagawa at pinapahanap ni jun2x. Pero ginawa niya ang lahat para mahanap lang ang lahat ng ito. (music) At nung na tapos na! (music)
Mama: Oh anak, mag-aral kang mabuti ha?
Jun2x: Alam ko na yan ma. Basta’t sa’kin, Panatag ka.
Narrator:At nang nakaalis na si Jun2x, nagdasal ang kanyang nanay. At nag usap ang nanay at tatay niya.
Mama: (may bukas pa..) Bro, banatayan niyo si Jun2x at tulungan niyo po kaming palakihin siyang batang mabait.
Papa: Ma, Asan na si Jun2x? Nakaalis na? mabuti naman.
Mama: Kain na tayo.. UHmmm, pa?
Papa: Oh? Bakit?
Mama: Ano kaya kng ipasali natin si Jun2x sa nalalapit na PKV ngayong taon?
Papa: PKV? Yung sa Kids For Christ? Oo nga ma, tama! Magandang ideya yan!
Para naman makilala ng anak natin si Jesus.
Mama: Oo, ng maging mabait na bata siya paglaki niya.
Narrator: Yun nga ang nangyari at walang patumpik-tumpik na niregister nila si Jun2x para sa PKV... sa kabilang banda, sa school.. nakilala ni jun2x si Bitoy.
Jun2x: (naglalakad habang kumakain ng...) Aray!!! Ano ba yan?? Tignan mo tuloy! Natapon ang pagkain ko!!
Bitoy: Aii, sorry ha.. hindi ko sinasadya, hindi kasi kita nakita eh.
Jun2x: Hindi nakita, sa laki mo na yan? Sus, ang sabihin mo sinadya mo talaga akong bonguin.
Bitoy: hindi naman. Sige, dahil natapon yang pagkain mo, share nalang tayo nitong pagkain ko, madami kasi to, sayo nalang tong isa para may makain ka rin.
Jun2x: Masarap ba yan?
Bitoy: Oo, naman! Nanay ko pa kasi gumawa nito. Eto oh.
Jun2x. Uhmmm, cge nga. (nasarapan si Jun2x.)
Bitoy: aii, ako nga pala si Bitoy, ikaw ano pangalan mo?
Jun2x: ako? Ako si Jun2x, anak ako ng nanay at tatay ko.
Narrator: At dun nag simula nag ang pagkakaibigan ni Jun2x at Bitoy.
(music) nakita ni Jun2x ang malaking nakaprint sa T-shirt ni Bitoy. “KFC AKO!”
Jun2x: KFC ka pala?
Bitoy: Oo, kasi CFC members ang nanay at tatay ko. Ikaw?
Jun2x: Ako? Hindi eh, si mama at papa membro ng CFC, pero ako hindi ako KFC eh.
Hindi ko kasi feel. You know.
Bitoy: Ahh, alam mo jun2x, sabi ng nanay ko, lahat ng kids, for Christ.
Jun2x: lahat ng kids, for christ? Para kay kristo? Kay Jesus? Ano ibig sabihin nun?
Bitoy: Ibig sabihin kahit tayong mga bata ay para at nanggaling kay Jesus! Kasi mahal niya tayo. Sabi ng nanay ko yan! At naniniwala ako sa kanya.
Jun2x: Uhmmm...
Narrator: Napaisip si Jun2x sa kanyang narinig at nalaman mula kay bitoy.
Bitoy: Uhmm, sige ah, magpreprepare pa kasi ako para sa PKV bukas eh,
Jun2x: PKV? Ano yun?
Bitoy: Ahh.. sa PKV kasi , nagtitipon ang lahat ng mga KFC sa isang probinsiya. Tiyak ko na magiging masaya na naman tong ngayong taon. Cge ha?
Jun2x: (UHmm. PKV? Masaya? Ano kaya kung....?)
Mama! Sali ako sa PKV! Yung sa KFC? Yung masaya! Yung bukas! Ma!! Pa!!
Mama: Oh, jun2x, anak! bakit? Oh. Ahh. Ano? Ahh.
Papa: Oh jun2x, wag ka nang mangamba, tapos ka na naming naregister sa PKV, nakahanda na rin lahat ng gamit mo, eto oh.
Narrator: Kinabukasan...
Mama at Papa: Oh jun2x mag-ingat ka anak ha? Enjoy! God bless!
Narrator: Yun nga! Pumunta na nga si jun2x sa PKV, at dun ay marami xang naging kaibigan at sa buong PKV kasakasama niya ang matalik niyang kaibigan. Maraming natutunan si Jun2x sa PKV, at pag-uwi niya ay naging mabait na xang bata. At dala dala niya ang mga sinabi ni Bitoy, na lahat ng kids ay para kay Jesus, at siya ni JESUS. Hanggang ngayon palaging sinasabi ni Jun2x sa kanyang mga kaklase na mahal sila ni Jesus.
Si Jun2x ay isa ng ganap na Kid on a Mission...
mAO KINI si dong bodong, naga-ingon! Go! KFC MisOr!
Mnyo naman diay ka!
Kung di paka sure, ayaw lang sah gyud... ~ate mimi
Grabeh nga "event". Sus, uie, tanawa lagi ning maghandom ta nga naa, pero wala man jud diay.
"take" lang jud "for example" kung naa kay gusto kayo nga babae tapos grabeh imung pagtuo nga wala xay uyab tapos gapangandam naka nga manguyab unta sa iya tapos pagkaugma kay dili na "single" iyang "status" sa iyang "profile" sa facebook, "engage" na!
aguiii ka sakit!
sus, abi kog siya na! naa naman diay siya'y pangit nga bana! hahay, sana malipayon unta siya sa iyang gipili nga dalan. nyahah.
bitaw uie, nagmahay lang ko kay grabeh akong bliar para lang magbuhat og tula para sa iya tapos wala man diya japun. hummmm..
lahi nalang akong hatagan ani, basin diay makakita pakog lain, awh makita man gyud ko kun dili lang jud ko magpiyong.
Bangaa sa akong tactics uie ayapag ako siyang gidiretsoan og I LOVE YUUUUU! awh. nyahhaah.. para mabuang dayun xa. awhp, nyahah. ambot nimu!!!
kaon nalang tag kwek-kwek, daw inom ug isa ka jar nga buko. ahaha.
naa moy comment?
sambat na! niahaha
mao kini si dong bodz, "broken... liver".
makawalag self steem uie.. hahaist.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Ahaha ang pinakachui! NEW LOOK
grabeh nga bata uie murag dili bata. murag bata nga murag bata nga nagpakabata nga dili na raba jud bata, pero gatawagon man siyag bata so bata xa? aiii amboot!!!
ahaha.nagbag-o na jud ang akong blog template salamat sa akong self og sa mga nanghtag og tips and tips. ehe. bitaw, daghan pa kayo kog gusto buhaton, unta. pero giabtan nakog tapol mao nang danhi nalang sako taman. Uie mga tigpamanaw sorry ,pasinsya jud kaayo kay wala koa nakapamalita sa inyu aning mga niaaging mga pagligid sa bulan kay BUSY?? kaayo ko, og tulog,.. dai lang kay sugod mag tuluga pa jud kog ayo. awh, mag balik napud diay og serbisyo, kay naluoy sad ko sa inyu, sige mog balik tapos maluya lang kay way bag-o. nyahha!
Bitaw, ayaw lang mog kalugda, suporta lang japun mo ha? Kamo biya jud ang rasun nganung nagblog ko, kay malingaw man mo, ania ra pud ko dani, magpadayon og lingaw sa inyu. hinaot unta nga mabayran na ninyu ang bill sa CEPALCO og sa inyung BROADBAND nga service provider arun dili mo maulahi sa mga kabuang awh balita uie, nga akong isulat dani. ayaw kalimot ha? oh, tanawa o, daghan na kayo bill sa CEPALCO sa ref gipikit, hala, na pa gyuy DISCONNECTION NOTICE. aguy loy, BAYARI na nah! lisud na. Makabuta raba ang kangitngit labi najug magpiyong ka! hahaist, cge na uie, kay mag Fesbuk sa ko.
Awiwiwit, naa diay nangutana unsa daw ang bisaya sa sakit nga STD (Sexually Transmitted Disease)? Sus! kasayun ra gud ana inday uie, eh di Sakit Taman Dadtos $^%#%^. ohh?? kabalo naka?? oh cge!
Mao kini ang inyung tigbalita, ang nag-inusara, gaipamaak og lamok! ga-inom og kape! BAhog tae! Dong Bodong! Una sa tanang kabuang... Pioneering biya.... Chubaburn!!
ahaha.nagbag-o na jud ang akong blog template salamat sa akong self og sa mga nanghtag og tips and tips. ehe. bitaw, daghan pa kayo kog gusto buhaton, unta. pero giabtan nakog tapol mao nang danhi nalang sako taman. Uie mga tigpamanaw sorry ,pasinsya jud kaayo kay wala koa nakapamalita sa inyu aning mga niaaging mga pagligid sa bulan kay BUSY?? kaayo ko, og tulog,.. dai lang kay sugod mag tuluga pa jud kog ayo. awh, mag balik napud diay og serbisyo, kay naluoy sad ko sa inyu, sige mog balik tapos maluya lang kay way bag-o. nyahha!
Bitaw, ayaw lang mog kalugda, suporta lang japun mo ha? Kamo biya jud ang rasun nganung nagblog ko, kay malingaw man mo, ania ra pud ko dani, magpadayon og lingaw sa inyu. hinaot unta nga mabayran na ninyu ang bill sa CEPALCO og sa inyung BROADBAND nga service provider arun dili mo maulahi sa mga kabuang awh balita uie, nga akong isulat dani. ayaw kalimot ha? oh, tanawa o, daghan na kayo bill sa CEPALCO sa ref gipikit, hala, na pa gyuy DISCONNECTION NOTICE. aguy loy, BAYARI na nah! lisud na. Makabuta raba ang kangitngit labi najug magpiyong ka! hahaist, cge na uie, kay mag Fesbuk sa ko.
Awiwiwit, naa diay nangutana unsa daw ang bisaya sa sakit nga STD (Sexually Transmitted Disease)? Sus! kasayun ra gud ana inday uie, eh di Sakit Taman Dadtos $^%#%^. ohh?? kabalo naka?? oh cge!
Mao kini ang inyung tigbalita, ang nag-inusara, gaipamaak og lamok! ga-inom og kape! BAhog tae! Dong Bodong! Una sa tanang kabuang... Pioneering biya.... Chubaburn!!
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
ULan Ulan Ulan
Binuang nga ulang uie murag gakaphobia nako! ikaw daw mutunob og "abi" nimog mabaw lang LALOM man diay kau nga canal, di ba ka maka inom og tubig canal. EWWWWW jud kau, astang samoka!!!
NAPHOBIA NAKOG ULAN!!! waaaaahhh.. Rainophobic!?? nyahaha
Dong Bodong, bahog canal!!!!This line is not shown in the main page
NAPHOBIA NAKOG ULAN!!! waaaaahhh.. Rainophobic!?? nyahaha
Dong Bodong, bahog canal!!!!This line is not shown in the main page
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