Sorry if I would have to write this post in english I really want to share to you this amazing event where I can say that God has moved in my life or some may say it as coincidental. But whatever they say I believe it's God.
I am a member of a now International Organization Youth for Christ (serving as a sector kids facilitator), a family ministry under the Couples for Christ, which started here in the Philippines.
These past few weeks I've been praying and asking the Lord about the help that I need, for the registration of an upcoming activity here in our province which is the Regional Youth Conference (RYC). I was asking God the exact amount that I need and every night and moment I am very doubtful that I could really attend the RYC. But still I am not giving up on God, still, I asked the Lord to provide me the amount that I need to join the RYC. I even said, "Lord Give me a sign" so as I can feel that He is Listening to me. But then signs never came or maybe it came, but I was just to blinded of the pressure of the nearly coming deadline of the registration, knowing that the deadline of registration has already been extended for the sake of those people like me who are waiting for the graces of God to come. Days past and hours and hours of doubtful moments came to me, asking myself why? would God, not let me attend the RYC? Why is God not answering my prayers? and Why is God not giving me a sign? those question made me think that I am not one of the chosen few. Called, answered, but not chosen. I was so burdened to the idea that I will be left alone, while my friends enjoy the gifts of the Lord, already been prepared for them on the RYC. But still I am not giving up in my prayers, I still prayed. I even came to a point where I told God,"Lord? where is my sign?". But still nothing came. Again I received the message saying that the deadline, the last deadline of the extended deadline, will be on friday, october 16, 2009. I told myself, "Wow, I've received this message for about 5 times already". It's like 3days left and I still haven't got the help that I need, my friends and leaders in YFC even told me to ask for help to my coordinators but I am too shy to ask for help. Because I know that the coordinators are also burdened with problems in their families and personal life. Some even told me that it's pride not to ask for help. well, I don't really know if it is pride or not, for I know, I just don't want to burden them with this very little problem that I have. On this very day October 14, 2009, we had a meeting for another activity that will be held next month. I mentioned that I am serving as a sector kids facilitator, the activity that will be happening next month is the Provincial Kids Village(PKV), a provincial wide activity for all the Kids for Christ members, these are the children who are sons and daughters of the CFC members. Well, I never thought that I could attend the meeting, for I don't have the fare to go to the place where we'll meet. But fortunately! I spared 5 pesos for my fare going to the place. Without having any second thought of how am I going to ride back home without another extra money or 5 pesos, I immediately went to the meeting place. But my partner-in-service asked me to pick her up or meet her, so as she can have someone to go with towards the meeting place, so she can be safe. So I went to the place. Luckily and unknowingly I've met two of my close friends who undoubtedly gave me 5 pesos for fare, walang labis walang kulang.
After that we went to the meeting, we talked about the activity and talked about everything that we need, to ensure the safety of the participants. well, the meeting ended. I never really thought what happened next. My partner-in-service was called by our coordinators, telling her about the RYC, telling her that they are willing to support her in fare or anything they could. Lovingly, my partner said these words, translated in English, "Tita, I've already paid for my registration and my mom can somehow handle the financial needs that the RYC requires. Just give it to Matt. He really wants to join the RYC but he hasn't registered yet..." without any ado our coordinator handed me the "money", and she said "we are sponsoring your RYC reg." In shock! the only words that came out of my mouth was "Yehey" and "thank you" and i still have 100 pesos extra, I think I'll just keep it for the fare, right now I am just happy to already pay the registration of 400 pesos. I was grateful to God for giving them the blessings and telling them to share it to other people. I really am humbled. I really am so blessed. See? in God's time everything is alright. God is an awesome God.
this is my test of faith. I should have never written this, but I really feel the urge to tell you.
"Kay Kristo Ako!"

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